Category | Rule |
Public Chat Channels |
All rules are being applied to the following channels in-game: Local , Advertising, Help and Chat.
Advertising Channel
The list below shows what is prohibited from advertising on the advertising channel.
If you want to advertise buying, selling and trading things, use our Trade Site. Be aware that within the trade page, any type of trading will be at your own risk. Taleon has no responsibility for trading or is required to pass user/player data and etc. Note! Taleon is not responsible for any purchase or exchange that you make in or out of the game. If you lose something, it's your problem and your responsibility. Taleon will not pass registration data, personal data, ips and etc of players. Help Channel You have to keep in mind that this channel is not for chit-chatting. Should be only used to ask about Taleon and game related questions. A tutor may mute you from the channel for any reason, mostly if you are not using the Help Channel for what it should be used for. Any type of advertising, sale, purchase or exchange is not allowed. If you are using it for purposes contrary to the above, like spamming, advertising, sale, purchase or exchange will result to a punishment*. Chat Channel In these channels you're allowed to talk about almost anything, but as always, there are some limits. You should better know the following things won't be tolerated in this and almost all channel. Remembering that no advertising and help is allowed. There is an advertising and help channel for this. If insists, the player can take some kind of punishment*. The rules below apply to the chat, help, advertising, local chat and private channels. Insulting Statements Keep in mind that all intentions counts, doesn't matter in which language it is being insulted, if you hide words like "a**h***" or expressing yourself in a non-verbal way. If someone is tring to provoke you, the only and best thing you can do is ignore that personal instead of responding to him or her angrily. You mustn't take everything too seriously. Low statements such as "Noob!" might offend you, but these are not meant to be serious insult. Well now, sternly insulting statements may lead to a punishment*. Racist Statements In this game there are players internationally where they communicate and meet each other. Certainly, statements made to insult or mock a certain country or its inhabitants are not tolerated in Taleon. The same goes of course for a certain nation or ethnic group. Be aware that any type of racism will result in a ban or permanent ban. Harassing Statements It is prohibited all intentions to harass other players. Above all, statements which are players threatened in real life are highly illegal and will lead to a punishment*. Sexually Related Statements You should keep this in mind better than anyone that there are children that play Taleon too, sexually related statements is not suitable for them and will accordingly not be tolerated in game channels and will lead to a punishment*. Spamming Spamming is repeating identical or similar statements one after another. Spamming in any game channel without a proper reason, will result to mute. If the behaviour continues, you'll be jailed or may result in a ban. Defamation Making offensive statements against Taleon, such as: Junk Server, Bankrupt Server, etc, is prohibited. These types of statements are very negative and can cause many players to disbelieve in the project, causing them to leave the server. The punishment for this type of conduct is a ban or permanent ban. Advertising It is prohibited to advertise OTs, 2D/3D games considered competitors and derivatives, as well as advertising sales or character exchanges for real money, KKs (in-game money), Tibia Coins (from Global), Taleon Coins or anything related anywhere within the game. The punishment for this type of conduct is a ban or permanent ban. Local Chat The rules above also apply to local chat, as well in anywhere in the game, regardless of how you break the rules. |
General Gameplay |
Gameplay Taleon team can not interfere with a character's gameplay, for example, if the player buys something wrong at the NPC and wants to trade, or if the player throws a BP over a house unintentionally and ask someone on the team to pick it up. So, if the action is qualifies as gameplay, our team will never help to reverse the wrong situation created by the player. Toxic Behaviour Taleon reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game, on the official website or in any other part of Taleon services. Remember that our administration will analyze the situation to see if it really is a case of a toxic player or guild. Punishment can be just a warning, a ban or permanent ban. Blocking Areas It is totally prohibited disturb the lever or daily bosses, as block the access of quests and boats for more than 15 minutes, as well ask for money to release the passage. If this happens to you, click on the message of who is asking for the money with the right mouse button and use the report by statement. We also accept as evidence the recorded videos. If you break this rule, you can be ban. Note! There is an exception for this rule during guild wars or if a player(s) open a PK mode. If any team decides to block an area, they are allowed to do so. If its being reported, a gamemaster will judge if its rule violating or battle defense. Quest Services There are many quests services in the game, but be careful because many players can take advantage of the situation to kill players or steal, unfortunately Taleon has no control over it and is not responsible for any problem that occurs in a quest services. If you are going to participate in a quest services, do it with trustworthy people. Player Killer (PK) It is prohibited to use mc to kill a player. This is considered unfair and may result in banning or account deletion. Trap Red, Black and others It is prohibited to practice these types of traps on the server, using several characters stacked in one place or otherwise, in order to make other players to acquire the red skull or the black skull involuntarily. Victims of this practice, make a ticket and reporting the trap, send a support ticket immediately at Discord in the suporte-da-staff category with the characters names and prints. You can also use the in-game reporting system to report this type of practice. It is recommended that you take care when you see a single person attacking several others, can be a bait to lure you into Trap Red or Black. Note! Our obligation will only delete all players involved, so be aware that if you fall into a trap, we will not return your lost items, skills, xp and etc. Gambling You are not allowed to run casino or any kind of games in depot or anywhere, with the exception of the houses and the adventurer's guild gambling area. This rule enforced to prevent depots becoming full. Violating this rule may lead you a permanent banishment of all your accounts. As we mentioned above, you are allowed to host casino only in the houses and in the adventurer's guild gambling area. However, you should always avoid the "trust" games. They tend to see between friends to look real, but once you trust the player with a value item, they will be stolen from you. Note! Taleon is not responsible for any cassino in game. If you lose something, it's your problem. Live Twitch Broadcasts The following rules apply to partners:
It is forbidden to make offensive statements against Taleon during the broadcast, such as: Junk Server, Bankrupt Server, etc, is prohibited. These types of statements are very negative and can cause many players to disbelieve in the project, causing them to leave the server. The punishment for this type of conduct is your Twitch account banned from the Taleon system, all your acquired points will be removed and you will no longer be able to partner. Also, your game account can be banned or permanently banned. Note! We can remove the system from the website and delete all the points from players without notice. If there is any problem with our system, we will not add points or do any kind of investigation to recover lost points. Do you stream on Twitch? You can earn Taleon Coins for making lives involving Taleon Online. See how to become our partner here. Botting and Macro Since 01/01/2024 the use of macros has been permitted for healing, autoloot, hotkeys and etc. The use of cavebots, use of macros with waypoints, as well as injectable bot programs to automatically do the afk hunt, remains prohibited. If your character is hunting and doing automatic actions alone afk, releasing spells on the screen, making arrows, walking with follow or saying anything written on the screen. The GM, CM or ADM will do a test with the player, if you do not pass the test, we will consider that you are using tricks to do such actions automatically afk, such as bot, waypoint macro, toothpicks on the keyboard, weights on the keyboard and anything that may be related, it will result in a permanent account ban. Using bots with MC to assist in hunting or for KS (Kill Stealing) is strictly prohibited. Players caught engaging in these practices will face severe penalties, which may include temporary or even permanent account bans. During training, using bots with multiple accounts (MC) to automate the use of potions or any other items on other players is also prohibited. Such behavior will result in strict sanctions, including the possibility of temporary or permanent account bans. With an investigation, we can also ban or delete other accounts that are related to the use of afk bot/macro, for example, the player's main account where he was banned on a secondary account (or other accounts) for using a afk bot/macro. Be careful with programs, scripts, or tools that modify the game/client, as this could end up harming you, and we are not responsible for any consequences. Remember that an ADM, CM or GM can stop the player's hunt to carry out investigation and tests (summon monsters, deal damage and etc.), as well as teleport the player to another place. The staff member does not need to be visible on the screen and does not need to send a message in the local chat during the test. Remember that we always change our verification method, so the staff is not detected by the bot. Use of MC (Multi Client) Running more than one game client simultaneously to gain advantages, such as controlling multiple characters in events, bosses, hunts, and PvP situations, is strictly prohibited. This practice disrupts the game's balance and negatively affects the experience of other players. Exceptions are allowed only for characters that are training while another is hunting, or for players in a protection zone (PZ). Any violation of this rule may result in a permanent ban. Reporting Botters The best way to report a botter is to use the in-game "report bot/macro" tool in-game. ![]() This is the most efficent and best way to report a user using third-party program in an illegal way. |
Bugs |
Finding a Bug If you happen to encounter a bug, you should let us know about it. Be aware that we do not return any items, coins, skills, experience and etc, if you lose them because of a bug. Read here how to properly report a bug. Abusing Bug Abusing bugs to gain an advantage is not tolerated and may lead you even deletion of your entire account. Reporting is strongly recommended, you can also be rewarded for reporting bugs, mostly for major ones. Bugs and Adjustment Taleon is an otserver, be aware before you play in an otserver because have bugs. We make every effort to resolve all bugs. In case of a bug and adjustment, be aware that we do not return any items, coins, skills, experience and etc. |
Access Account |
Account Ownership Because the game is free and does not force the player to pay anything monthly, the accounts and characters in this game are properties of Taleon and not yours. The player is responsible for protecting the account with the characters, so we have some security tips to protect the account, as well how to use the two-factor authenticator on mobile or desktop. (Always keep your Recovery Key in a safe place because it's the only way that you can remove your authenticator or recover your account). Your registration on Taleon Be aware that your Taleon registration e-mail can be used for advertisements, for example, sending newsletters. Character Name It's not allowed to create a character with a name that will break the rules below. If you insist, can result in a name lock, ban or permanent ban. -Name containing game environment (names that uses names of Npcs, cities, spells and any kind of name to try to stole players) -Offensive name (names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable) -Name containing forbidden advertising (Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money) -Name supporting rule violation (names that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Taleon Rules) Character Change Name Your character's former name, when changed, can no longer be used. The name is forever stuck in the account where it was created. Account Trading (Buy or Sell Characters) You are not allowed to buy, sell or trade your character in chat, help, advertising and public channels. Intentionally trying to buy, sell or trade your character inside the game at chat, help, advertising and public channels will result in a ban or permanent ban. You can advertise the sale of your character at Trade Taleon Page. Be aware that within the trade page, any type of trading will be at your own risk. Taleon has no responsibility for trading or is required to pass user/player data and etc. Remember to change your character's name before the sale if you don't want to be used in-game by the buyer for negative attitudes and so on. Note! If you buy an account or character, be fooled or stolen, the responsibility is all yours and not from the Taleon (The same applies at BUY SELL CHARACTERS page on the taleon website). We do not do any kind of refund. Account Sharing You can share your account with another people, but be aware if your account is hacked, the responsibility is all yours and not from the Taleon. Hacking Be aware that you must take care of your account, this means that we do not take responsibility if you get hacked and lose your items, taleon coins and etc. To fully protect your account, use the authenticator via the mobile phone or desktop (Use Authy). Note! Taleon will not pass any data, track or do any kind of investigation about what happened. Lost account, password and rk The Recovery Key (RK) is essential for ensuring secure access to your account. It is a crucial tool for protecting your data and maintaining full control over your account. We are strict about the loss of the RK because sending it again would compromise everyone's security. Security is a priority, which is why we strongly emphasize the importance of keeping your RK safe. Guidelines for Secure Storage. Do not rely on just one location to store your RK. We recommend saving it in different places to avoid any kind of loss.
Remember to always take care of your account. If you lose your RK, forget your login, your password, or use any random email for registration, you may lose your account, and we will not be responsible for that. You are responsible for your account, and therefore, you need to have all the necessary information to recover it. We strongly advise that you keep this information in a secure place! It is the player's responsibility to note down the RK that appears on the screen when it is generated and to store it in a safe place. In addition to appearing on the screen, as a bonus, it is sent to the registration email. We are not responsible if the email with the RK does not arrive, falls into your spam folder, or is deleted. Remember, the email is just a bonus, your responsibility is to write down the RK as soon as it is generated and keep it safe. Attention: If you lose your account, be aware that we will not recover it for you. The security of the account is your responsibility, not Taleon's. Account with final warning If your account has a ban with a final warning, please be aware that a further ban may result in a permanent ban on your account. This can occur if the player breaks any of the terms and conditions rules. |
Buying Taleon Coins |
All purchases are automated, if you aren't able to complete your purchase, it is more likely that the problem is between you and our payment gateway, which are not ran by us. Due to the nature of virtual goods, there is no refund policy for purchases of Taleon coins. Be aware that you are not forced to purchase Taleon coins. There is no monthly fee in the Taleon game, all players are premium and have access to all Taleon content. You make purchases of Taleon coins freely and spontaneously, making purchases in the amount of one of the existing packages on the website, you will receive as a gratuity the converted value of the chosen package in the virtual currency Taleon Coins to be used only within our in-game store. Beware of very low level characters selling Taleon Coins in whatsapp groups, Facebook or similar places. Any sale with the price too low can be fraud, if you bought Taleon Coins from fraud, your account can be deleted or deducted the full amount of the fraud if you have a balance. Make the purchase always using our website, it is the safest way. Remembering that refunds, any fraud in payments, talk about fraud within the game or on our virtual channels can result in a ban or permanent ban. |
In-game Store |
If you have purchased an item by mistake or did not like it, we do not refund or trade. The same happens for the sale or purchase of Taleon coins in store. |
Roulette System |
When the roulettes have an unique prize and if this unique prize comes out, it is removed from all roulettes and can only return in the next season. There are unique prizes that you can win within the game and also in real life, in the case of a prize that Taleon has to send by mail, we have the right to choose where to buy, the model, and how to send it. (The player can choose to receive the prize value directly in their bank account, through the PIX transfer method.) If the player resides outside Brazil, the prize will not be sent physically, we will opt to transfer the equivalent value in dollars or euros through Paypal. We may add, remove or update prize list items without prior notice. Note! Any bug, crash, server downtime that causes you to lose any roulette prize, you will not be entitled to a refund of the won prize. |
Server Problems |
Be aware that technical problems may occur. If the server crashes and the roolback happens, be aware that we do not return any items, coins, skills, experience and etc. The same is applied if a proxy crashes, server down, server lag or freezes. |
Taleon Servers |
If a server does not have a satisfactory number of players online to maintain the operation, a transfer can be opened to another server that is capable of supplying this demand for the operation. Remember that a server with a low number of players can become a loss of money to keep online working with all systems. We can also apply some reductions in the systems to reduce the damage of the loss the money. Within the game, raid bosses can be removed, as there are not enough players to kill the bosses. If Taleon opens a new servers, it will not be possible to initially transfer Taleon Coins. Taleon has the right to decide whether or not that the new server will accept Taleon Coins transfers. If Taleon open the characters transfers, the player will have to accept the rules, if not accept, it will not be possible to transfer the character and will lose all your accounts and characters. Also, when a transfer is opened, players are notified by various means of communication, such as news on the website, facebook, instagram, discord, push notification, in-game when connecting and etc. If the player does not transfer within the deadline, the player will lose all accounts and characters. It is very important that you read how to transfer characters because if the player makes any kind of mistake there is no way to go back, Taleon will not be responsible for the player's error and will not return, modify or exchange any transfers, whether on the server of origin or destination. Taleon does not warrant continuous or error-free operation of the game, the website of Taleon or the accounts. Taleon reserves the right to temporarily or permanently alter or shut down the game service at any time. |
ADMs/CMs/GMs/Staff |
Any kind of insult to the Taleon staff can result in a ban or permanent ban. The player is prohibited from impersonating any member of the staff. If this happens the player can receive a notification, be banned temporarily or permanently. ADMs: Administrators are the owners of the game, responsible for all aspects of the server and have the final word in resolving conflicts. CMs: Community Managers are responsible for GMs, STs and Tutors, in addition to enforcing rules. GMs: Game Masters are responsible for STs and Tutors, in addition to enforcing rules. STs: Senior Tutors are experienced tutors, responsible for the Tutors and moderation of the public channels Chat, Help and Advertising. They help players with questions. Tutors: They are responsible for moderating the public channels Chat, Help and Advertising. They help players with questions. ADMs, CMs and GMs cannot play Taleon as regular players in order to avoid conflicts of interest. STs and Tutors are regular players who have volunteered to help the community run smoothly. Apart from their moderation attributions, they are limited to censoring players who are interfering with the smooth running of the public chat, help channels and advertising, they are subject to the same rules as other players without a role, in addition to the same freedom of interaction (participating in guilds, PvP, conflicts and etc.). |
Punishments |
For violating any rules defined here, you'll be punished with ban or permanent ban. Banishment Be aware that a ban or permanent ban is applied to your entire account*. With an investigation, we may also ban or delete other accounts that are related to the same player, for example the primary account of the player where he was banned or deleted and in the secondary account (or other accounts). The player has a maximum period of 90 days to contest his punishments from the date they were applied. Prison System If your chateracter is jailed, it will be sent to a prison for 4 hours. You will be automatically teleported out from the prison 4 hours after your punishment. Note! You don't have to be online during that time. Notification System The notifications are applied in lighter cases, in case you receive the third notification, your account will be banned for 24 hours. You can check your notifications in my account page. (Notifications automatically expire in 90 days). Please be aware that Taleon reserves the right not to disclose information about any punishment to other players. All banned or deleted characters will be listed on the "Banned Players" page on the Taleon website, as will all other characters on the account, even if they are marked as hidden. *A temporary or permanent ban will result in the loss of access to all characters on your account. In the case of a permanent ban, all items, coins, and other resources linked to the character will be lost. Additionally, the game administration reserves the right to auction off characters that have received a permanent ban. |