Live Broadcasts

To begin casting, simply type !cast in-game. (Casters gain 1% more XP)

Entering in normal casts
Open the client and login to the game with an account cast and password cast (cast/cast).
Entering in password casts
Open the client and login to the game with an account cast and just type the password of the cast into the password field.

Spectator commands:
!name (newname): Set a new name
!spectators: Total count of current spectators
Close cast: Just logout or close the client

Caster commands:
!mute, unmute (specator name): Spectator will be muted
!muteall: All spectators will be muted
!ban, unban (spectator name): Spectator will be banned
!password (newpassword): Set a password to your cast
!spectators: Total count of current spectators
!desc (message): Set a description to your cast
!remove (spectator name): Remove a spectator by name
!stopcast or close the cast channel: Close the cast

Broadcasting Now

Currently there are 2 players broadcasting and 0 spectators watching broadcasts right now.

Lee Gon (701 Royal Paladin)
0 / 50
Bruzera (1.481 Master Sorcerer)
0 / 50