Character profile of Ze Pururuca

Name: Ze Pururuca
Sex: Male
Level: 211
Vocation: Elite Knight
Achievement Points: 117
Achievement Rank: Novice
Bosstiary Points: 0
Charm Points: 128
Charm Runes: None
Last Login: 16 Feb 2023, 17:34 → 16 Feb 2023, 17:35
Residence: Darashia
Created at: 01 Apr 2020, 19:34
Account Status: Free Account
Skull Type: None
Notifications: 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban)
Ban Status: None

Experience History

Date Raw Experience
TodayNo experience gained in this time.
YesterdayNo experience gained in this time.
16/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
15/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
14/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
13/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
12/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
11/10/2024No experience gained in this time.


Name Grade Points [+] Show all
Annihilator 5
Aristocrat 4
Bearbaiting 1
Bearhugger 1
Becoming a Bigfoot 1
Berserker 3
Call Me Sparky 1
Champion of Chazorai 4
Chequered Teddy 1
Chorister 1
Cookie Monster 1
Crystal Keeper 1
Crystals in Love 1
Cursed! 3
Dark Voodoo Priest 2
Do Not Disturb 1
Efreet Ally 3
Fata Morgana 2
Friend of Elves 1
Friend of the Apes 4
Gnome Friend 2
Gnome Little Helper 1
Gnomelike 3
Golem in the Gears 4
Grinding Again 1
Happy Farmer 1
Hidden Powers 2
Honorary Barbarian 1
Honorary Gnome 4
I Like it Fancy 1
I Need a Hug 2
Icy Glare 1
Joke's on You 1
Let the Sunshine In 1
Lion King 1
Loyal Lad 1
Make a Wish 1
Masquerader 3
Mind the Dog! 2
Natural Born Cowboy 1
Nothing Can Stop Me 1
Number of the Beast 2
One Foot Vs. Many 1
Oops 2
Out in the Snowstorm 4
Party Animal 1
Pecking Order 1
Piece of Cake 1
Rocket in Pocket 1
Rollercoaster 1
Safely Stored Away 2
Seasoned Adventurer 1
Si, Ariki! 1
Slim Chance 1
Snowbunny 2
Something's in There 1
Spore Hunter 1
Substitute Tinker 1
Superstitious 2
The Cake's the Truth 1
The Picky Pig 1
The Right Tone 1
Turncoat 4
Vanity 3
With a Cherry on Top 1
Lion's Den Explorer 1
Sweet Tooth 2
Hunting Permit 1

Death list

Date Details [+] Show all
11 Jul 2020, 12:02Killed at level 211 by a massive fire elemental Last Hit
27 Jun 2020, 09:49Killed at level 208 by a clay guardian Last Hit
an omnivora Most damage
serpent spawn, behemoth, stone golem, omnivora.Involved
25 Jun 2020, 20:58Killed at level 206 by a floating savant Last Hit

Character Victims

Date Details [+] Show all
No victims... yet.

Characters list

Characters Status
1. Karina Santos
2. Teobaldo