Character profile of Luff Duf

Name: Luff Duf
Sex: Male
Level: 266
Vocation: Elite Knight
Achievement Points: 82
Achievement Rank: Novice
Bosstiary Points: 0
Charm Points: 150
Charm Runes: None
Last Login: 01 Sep 2024, 13:13 → 01 Sep 2024, 13:13
Residence: Carlin
Created at: 09 May 2020, 20:47
Account Status: Free Account
Skull Type: None
Notifications: 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban)
Ban Status: None

Experience History

Date Raw Experience
TodayNo experience gained in this time.
YesterdayNo experience gained in this time.
16/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
15/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
14/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
13/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
12/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
11/10/2024No experience gained in this time.


Name Grade Points [+] Show all
Allowance Collector 2
Annihilator 5
Aristocrat 4
Bearbaiting 1
Chequered Teddy 1
Chorister 1
Do Not Disturb 1
Exemplary Citizen 4
Fata Morgana 2
Friend of the Apes 4
Greenhorn 2
Happy Farmer 1
I Like it Fancy 1
Joke's on You 1
Keeper of the Flame 2
Let the Sunshine In 1
Lion King 1
Make a Wish 1
Marid Ally 3
Masquerader 3
Matchmaker 1
Natural Born Cowboy 1
Number of the Beast 2
Oops 2
Party Animal 1
Pecking Order 1
Quick as a Turtle 2
Rathleton Commoner 1
Rathleton Inhabitant 1
Recognised Trader 3
Rocket in Pocket 1
Rockstar 3
Rollercoaster 1
Safely Stored Away 2
Scrapper 3
Seasoned Adventurer 1
Secret Agent 1
Something's in There 1
Steampunked 2
Vanity 3
Warlord of Svargrond 5
Swamp Beast 1
Lion's Den Explorer 1
Hunting Permit 1

Death list

Date Details [+] Show all
03 Nov 2022, 08:02Killed at level 214 by a rustheap golem Last Hit
glooth golem, rot elemental.Involved
20 Oct 2022, 10:53Killed at level 211 by a glooth golem Last Hit
rot elemental, rustheap golem.Involved
17 Oct 2022, 08:37Killed at level 203 by a rustheap golem Last Hit
glooth golem, glooth blob, rot elemental, devourer.Involved
04 Oct 2022, 09:25Killed at level 74 by an energy elemental Last Hit
energy elemental, wyrm.Involved
04 Oct 2022, 09:00Killed at level 70 by a wyrm Last Hit
04 Oct 2022, 08:56Killed at level 70 by a wyrm Last Hit
energy elemental.Involved
03 Oct 2022, 10:14Killed at level 68 by a wyrm Last Hit
18 May 2020, 14:12Killed at level 60 by a green djinn Last Hit
efreet, stalker, green djinn of efreet, hyaena, gargoyle.Involved
15 May 2020, 14:16Killed at level 56 by an orc warlord Last Hit
dragon, orc leader, orc warlord, orc berserker, orc shaman.Involved
10 May 2020, 17:51Killed at level 11 by a minotaur guard Last Hit
a minotaur archer Most damage

Character Victims

Date Details [+] Show all
No victims... yet.