Character profile of Imenso Ekbombinha

Name: Imenso Ekbombinha
Sex: Male
Level: 1.086
Vocation: Elite Knight
a Member of Armageddon
Achievement Points: 772
Achievement Rank: Pioneer
Bosstiary Points: 3.970
Charm Points: 7.985
Charm Runes: Wound, Poison, Freeze, Zap, Parry, Dodge, Low Blow, Divine Wrath
Last Login: 17 Oct 2024, 18:32 → 17 Oct 2024, 21:17
Residence: Roshamuul
Created at: 12 Oct 2018, 00:37
Account Status: Free Account
Skull Type: None
Notifications: 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban)
Ban Status: None

Experience History

Date Raw Experience
TodayNo experience gained in this time.


Name Grade Points [+] Show all
Allow Cookies? 2
Allowance Collector 2
Amateur Actor 2
Annihilator 5
Arachnoise 1
Archpostman 3
Aristocrat 4
Ashes to Dust 4
Askarak Nemesis 1
Back from the Dead 2
Back into the Abyss 1
Backpack Tourist 1
Bane of the Hive 2
Beach Tamer 2
Beak Doctor 4
Bearbaiting 1
Bearhugger 1
Beautiful Agony 2
Becoming a Bigfoot 1
Beneath the Sea 3
Berserker 3
Blacknailed 1
Blessed! 2
Blood-Red Snapper 1
Bluebarian 2
Breaking the Ice 1
Brutal Politeness 6
Bunny Slipped 2
Call Me Sparky 1
Champion of Chazorai 4
Chequered Teddy 1
Chitin Bane 4
Choking on Her Venom 1
Chorister 1
Clay Fighter 3
Clay to Fame 6
Confusion 3
Cookie Monster 1
Crawling Death 1
Crystal Clear 3
Crystal Keeper 1
Crystals in Love 1
Cursed! 3
Dark Voodoo Priest 2
Dazzler 3
Death from Below 2
Death Song 3
Deer Hunt 1
Demonbane 6
Demonic Barkeeper 3
Depth Dwellers 3
Do Not Disturb 1
Doctor! Doctor! 2
Dream's Over 1
Dungeon Cleaner 3
Elite Hunter 5
Ending the Horror 2
Enter zze Draken! 2
Exemplary Citizen 4
Exquisite Taste 2
Exterminator 4
Fata Morgana 2
Final Strike 2
Firefighter 2
Fireworks in the Sky 2
Fool at Heart 3
Fountain of Life 1
Free Items! 3
Friend of Elves 1
Friend of the Apes 4
Funghitastic 3
Gatherer 2
Gear Up 3
Gnome Friend 2
Gnome Little Helper 1
Gnomebane's Bane 2
Gnomelike 3
Gnomish Art Of War 3
Godslayer 4
Golden Sands 3
Golem in the Gears 4
Gravedigger 3
Greenhorn 2
Grinding Again 1
Guard Killer 2
Guardian Downfall 4
Happy Farmer 1
Headache 2
Heartburn 3
Herbicide 8
Here, Fishy Fishy! 1
Hickup 2
Hidden Powers 2
High Inquisitor 5
High-Flyer 4
Hissing Downfall 2
Hive Blinder 4
Hive Fighter 1
Hive Infiltrator 3
Hive War Veteran 1
Homebrewed 1
Honorary Barbarian 1
Honorary Gnome 4
Howly Silence 1
Hunting with Style 6
Huntsman 2
I Did My Part 2
I Like it Fancy 1
I Need a Hug 2
Ice Sculptor 3
Icy Glare 1
In Shining Armor 6
Interior Decorator 4
Invader of the Deep 2
Jamjam 5
Jinx 2
Joke's on You 1
Just Cracked Me Up! 2
Kapow! 1
Keeper of the Flame 2
King of the Ring 2
Knock on Wood 3
Let the Sunshine In 1
Life on the Streets 4
Lion King 1
Little Ball of Wool 1
Lord of the Elements 5
Lord Protector 8
Lovely Dots 3
Loyal Lad 1
Lucid Dreamer 2
Lucky Horseshoe 1
Luminous Kitty 3
Luring Silence 2
Mageslayer 1
Magnetized 2
Make a Wish 1
Manic 4
Marblelous 3
Marid Ally 3
Masquerader 3
Master of the Nexus 6
Master of War 6
Master Thief 4
Matchmaker 1
Meat Skewer 1
Merry Adventures 2
Mind the Dog! 2
Ministrel 2
Minor Disturbance 2
Mister Sandman 2
Modest Guest 1
Mutated Presents 1
Natural Born Cowboy 1
Natural Sweetener 1
Navigational Error 5
Nightmare Knight 1
Nightmare Walker 6
No More Hiding 1
Noblesse Obliterated 6
Nomad Soul 2
Nothing Can Stop Me 1
Number of the Beast 2
Of Wolves and Bears 6
One Foot Vs. Many 1
One Less 2
One Thousand and One 6
Oops 2
Out in the Snowstorm 4
Party Animal 1
Peazzekeeper 6
Pecking Order 1
Perfect Fool 3
Personal Nightmare 3
Petrologist 2
Piece of Cake 1
Pig-Headed 2
Pimple 3
Planter 2
Polisher 4
Potion Addict 4
Prison Break 8
Pwned a Lot of Fur 8
Pwned All Fur 8
Quick as a Turtle 2
Rathleton Citizen 1
Rathleton Commoner 1
Rathleton Inhabitant 1
Recognised Trader 3
Ritualist 6
Rock Me to Sleep 1
Rocket in Pocket 1
Rockstar 3
Rollercoaster 1
Rootless Behaviour 1
Ruthless 5
Safely Stored Away 2
Santa's Li'l Helper 2
Scales and Tail 2
Scorched Flames 1
Scrapper 3
Seasoned Adventurer 1
Secret Agent 1
Shaburak Nemesis 1
Ship's Kobold 4
Si, Ariki! 1
Silent Pet 1
Skin-Deep 4
Slim Chance 1
Slugging Around 2
Snowbunny 2
Something Smells 1
Something's in There 1
Spareribs for Dinner 1
Spin-Off 1
Spore Hunter 1
Steampunked 2
Stepped on a Big Toe 1
Stomach Ulcer 4
Stuntman 3
Substitute Tinker 1
Superstitious 2
Supplier 3
Suppressor 4
Swift Death 6
Talented Dancer 1
The Cake's the Truth 1
The Drowned Sea God 2
The Gates of Hell 2
The Picky Pig 1
The Right Tone 1
The Serpent's Bride 2
The Undertaker 2
Thick-Skinned 2
Top CGB Agent 4
True Dedication 5
True Lightbearer 5
Turncoat 4
Twisted Mutation 1
Umbral Brawler 6
Umbral Executioner 6
Umbral Harbinger 6
Umbral Headsman 6
Umbral Marksman 6
Umbral Swordsman 6
Vanity 3
Warlock 6
Warlord of Svargrond 5
Waverider 2
Way of the Shaman 6
Way to Hell 2
Wayfarer 3
Wild Warrior 6
With a Cherry on Top 1
Zzztill Zzztanding! 1
Swashbuckler 6
Rift Warrior 3
Go with da Lava Flow 1
Swamp Beast 1
The Professors Nut 3
Lion's Den Explorer 1
Sweet Tooth 2
Ferumbras Power Nexus Nemesis 5
Thais Savior 5
Ferumbras's Executioner 5
Rathleton Squire 1
Hat Hunter 5
Forbidden Fruit 1
Fairy Teasing 1
Millennial Falcon 3
Hunting Permit 1
Little Adventure 1
Little Big Adventure 2
Contender 3
Serious Contender 4
Skilled Hunter 5
Well Roared, Lion! 1
Moth Whisperer 3
Lacewing Catcher 3
Ender of the End 5
Nothing but Hot Air 3
Beyonder 3
Buried the Baron 1
His Days are Counted 1
Duked It Out 1
Death in the Depths 2
Scourge of Scarabs 3
Inquisition's Hand 3
Errand Boy 1
Light-Fingered 3
Ransom Guy 2
Mainstreet Nightmare 2
Bibliomaniac 3
Friendly Fire 2

Death list

Date Details [+] Show all
29 Sep 2024, 13:14Killed at level 1.069 by a vexclaw Last Hit
a hellflayer Most damage
hellflayer, demon, dark torturer, grimeleech.Involved
20 Sep 2024, 15:47Killed at level 1.056 by a true midnight asura Last Hit
a true dawnfire asura Most damage
priestess, wild warrior, dragon hatchling, dark magician, warlock, fire devil, orc shaman, dawnfire asura, midnight asura, hero, minotaur mage, demon skeleton, hunter, true dawnfire asura and others ....Involved
24 Aug 2024, 17:23Killed at level 1.048 by a vexclaw Last Hit
hellflayer, demon, grimeleech.Involved
23 Aug 2024, 23:30Killed at level 1.049 by a vexclaw Last Hit
a hellflayer Most damage
dark torturer, hellflayer, grimeleech.Involved
03 Aug 2024, 13:37Killed at level 1.048 by a vexclaw Last Hit
grimeleech, hellflayer, demon, dark torturer.Involved
07 Jun 2024, 20:16Killed at level 1.047 by a vexclaw Last Hit
a hellflayer Most damage
grimeleech, dark torturer, demon, hellflayer.Involved
21 Aug 2023, 10:29Killed at level 882 by a flimsy lost soul Last Hit
30 Mar 2023, 22:21Killed at level 818 by a flimsy lost soul Last Hit
a mean lost soul Most damage
mean lost soul, grim reaper, freakish lost soul.Involved
29 Mar 2023, 16:48Killed at level 819 by gaz'haragoth Last Hit
18 Feb 2023, 22:04Killed at level 811 by a mean lost soul Last Hit

Character Victims

Date Details [+] Show all
No victims... yet.