Name: | Hellhazor |
Sex: | Male |
Level: | 482 |
Vocation: | Royal Paladin |
Achievement Points: | 324 |
Achievement Rank: | Challenger |
Bosstiary Points: | 570 |
Charm Points: | 2.076 |
Charm Runes: | Wound, Poison, Dodge |
House: | Spirit Homes 4, Svargrond |
Last Login: | 14 Jan 2025, 07:58 → 14 Jan 2025, 07:59 |
Residence: | Svargrond |
Created at: | 05 Oct 2018, 19:07 |
Account Status: | Free Account |
Skull Type: | None |
Notifications: | 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban) |
Ban Status: | None |
Comment: |
- |
Date | Experience |
Today | No experience gained in this time. |
Yesterday | No experience gained in this time. |
13/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
12/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
11/01/2025 | -12.463.262 |
10/01/2025 | 392.249 |
09/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
08/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
Name | Grade | Points [+] Show all [-] Show less |
Allow Cookies? | 2 | |
Annihilator | 5 | |
Aristocrat | 4 | |
Beak Doctor | 4 | |
Bearbaiting | 1 | |
Bearhugger | 1 | |
Beautiful Agony | 2 | |
Becoming a Bigfoot | 1 | |
Blacknailed | 1 | |
Bone Brother | 1 | |
Brutal Politeness | 6 | |
Bunny Slipped | 2 | |
Call Me Sparky | 1 | |
Champion of Chazorai | 4 | |
Chequered Teddy | 1 | |
Chorister | 1 | |
Clay Fighter | 3 | |
Cookie Monster | 1 | |
Crystal Keeper | 1 | |
Crystals in Love | 1 | |
Death from Below | 2 | |
Death Song | 3 | |
Demonbane | 6 | |
Demonic Barkeeper | 3 | |
Depth Dwellers | 3 | |
Do Not Disturb | 1 | |
Dread Lord | 8 | |
Dungeon Cleaner | 3 | |
Efreet Ally | 3 | |
Elite Hunter | 5 | |
Enter zze Draken! | 2 | |
Exemplary Citizen | 4 | |
Final Strike | 2 | |
Fool at Heart | 3 | |
Fountain of Life | 1 | |
Friend of the Apes | 4 | |
Gnome Friend | 2 | |
Gnome Little Helper | 1 | |
Gnomebane's Bane | 2 | |
Gnomelike | 3 | |
Gnomish Art Of War | 3 | |
Godslayer | 4 | |
Golden Sands | 3 | |
Gravedigger | 3 | |
Grinding Again | 1 | |
Guardian Downfall | 4 | |
Herbicide | 8 | |
High Inquisitor | 5 | |
Hissing Downfall | 2 | |
Honorary Barbarian | 1 | |
Honorary Gnome | 4 | |
Huntsman | 2 | |
In Shining Armor | 6 | |
Invader of the Deep | 2 | |
Keeper of the Flame | 2 | |
King of the Ring | 2 | |
Let the Sunshine In | 1 | |
Loyal Lad | 1 | |
Lucid Dreamer | 2 | |
Lucky Horseshoe | 1 | |
Master of the Nexus | 6 | |
Master of War | 6 | |
Matchmaker | 1 | |
Natural Born Cowboy | 1 | |
Navigational Error | 5 | |
One Foot Vs. Many | 1 | |
One Less | 2 | |
Pecking Order | 1 | |
Perfect Fool | 3 | |
Potion Addict | 4 | |
Prison Break | 8 | |
Rathleton Commoner | 1 | |
Recognised Trader | 3 | |
Ruthless | 5 | |
Safely Stored Away | 2 | |
Scales and Tail | 2 | |
Seasoned Adventurer | 1 | |
Sharpshooter | 3 | |
Ship's Kobold | 4 | |
Si, Ariki! | 1 | |
Skull and Bones | 6 | |
Snowbunny | 2 | |
Something's in There | 1 | |
Spin-Off | 1 | |
Spore Hunter | 1 | |
Substitute Tinker | 1 | |
Talented Dancer | 1 | |
The Picky Pig | 1 | |
The Serpent's Bride | 2 | |
True Dedication | 5 | |
Turncoat | 4 | |
Warlock | 6 | |
Way of the Shaman | 6 | |
Way to Hell | 2 | |
Wayfarer | 3 | |
Wild Warrior | 6 | |
Zzztill Zzztanding! | 1 | |
Swashbuckler | 6 | |
Ferumbras Power Nexus Nemesis | 5 | |
Ferumbras's Executioner | 5 | |
Millennial Falcon | 3 | |
Hunting Permit | 1 | |
Little Adventure | 1 | |
Contender | 3 | |
Skilled Hunter | 5 | |
Lacewing Catcher | 3 | |
Ender of the End | 5 | |
Nothing but Hot Air | 3 | |
Beyonder | 3 | |
Inquisition's Hand | 3 | |
Errand Boy | 1 | |
Mainstreet Nightmare | 2 | |
A Study in Scarlett | 3 | |
Friendly Fire | 2 |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
11 Jan 2025, 13:18 | Killed at level 484 by a guzzlemaw Last Hit |
24 Nov 2024, 16:47 | Killed at level 484 by a silencer Last Hit |
a guzzlemaw Most damage | |
18 Oct 2024, 14:18 | Killed at level 484 by a sabretooth Last Hit |
an emerald tortoise Most damage | |
emerald tortoise, hulking prehemoth, gorerilla.Involved | |
17 Oct 2024, 16:08 | Killed at level 482 by a humongous fungus Last Hit |
a stone devourer Most damage | |
16 Oct 2024, 00:00 | Killed at level 478 by a werelioness Last Hit |
04 Oct 2024, 08:22 | Killed at level 472 by a crazed winter vanguard Last Hit |
a thanatursus Most damage | |
frost giant, frost giantess, hunter.Involved | |
02 Oct 2024, 13:29 | Killed at level 472 by a black sphinx acolyte Last Hit |
priestess of the wild sun, skeleton elite warrior of black sphinx acolyte, burning gladiator, crypt warden, Sphinx, lamassu.Involved | |
29 Sep 2024, 10:59 | Killed at level 442 by a hulking prehemoth Last Hit |
a gorerilla Most damage | |
emerald tortoise, gore horn, sabretooth, gorerilla.Involved | |
20 Sep 2024, 15:44 | Killed at level 410 by a gazer spectre Last Hit |
a ripper spectre Most damage | |
arachnophobica, ripper spectre, burster spectre.Involved | |
17 Sep 2024, 11:27 | Killed at level 402 by a crazed summer vanguard Last Hit |
swan maiden, insane siren, crazed summer rearguard, arachnophobica, thanatursus.Involved |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
Characters | Status |
1. Baraquiobama | |
2. Mage | |
3. Zezenia |