Character profile of Banglasdesh

Name: Banglasdesh
Sex: Male
Level: 856
Vocation: Royal Paladin
Achievement Points: 365
Achievement Rank: Challenger
Bosstiary Points: 810
Charm Points: 2.812
Charm Runes: Wound, Freeze, Dodge
Residence: Roshamuul
Created at: 20 Jul 2021, 16:41
Account Status: Free Account
Skull Type: None
Notifications: 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban)
Ban Status: None

Experience History

Date Raw Experience
TodayNo experience gained in this time.


Name Grade Points [+] Show all
Amateur Actor 2
Annihilator 5
Arachnoise 1
Archpostman 3
Aristocrat 4
Back from the Dead 2
Back into the Abyss 1
Bad Timing 2
Beach Tamer 2
Bearbaiting 1
Bearhugger 1
Beautiful Agony 2
Becoming a Bigfoot 1
Blacknailed 1
Blessed! 2
Blood-Red Snapper 1
Bluebarian 2
Breaking the Ice 1
Brutal Politeness 6
Bunny Slipped 2
Call Me Sparky 1
Champion of Chazorai 4
Chequered Teddy 1
Choking on Her Venom 1
Chorister 1
Clay Fighter 3
Clay to Fame 6
Cookie Monster 1
Crawling Death 1
Crystal Clear 3
Crystal Keeper 1
Crystals in Love 1
Cursed! 3
Death from Below 2
Death Song 3
Demonic Barkeeper 3
Depth Dwellers 3
Do Not Disturb 1
Dungeon Cleaner 3
Elite Hunter 5
Ending the Horror 2
Enter zze Draken! 2
Exemplary Citizen 4
Fata Morgana 2
Final Strike 2
Fireworks in the Sky 2
Follower of Azerus 4
Friend of Elves 1
Friend of the Apes 4
Funghitastic 3
Gatherer 2
Gear Up 3
Gem Cutter 1
Gnome Friend 2
Gnome Little Helper 1
Gnomebane's Bane 2
Gnomelike 3
Gnomish Art Of War 3
Golem in the Gears 4
Gravedigger 3
Greenhorn 2
Grinding Again 1
Happy Farmer 1
Herbicide 8
Hickup 2
Hissing Downfall 2
Honorary Barbarian 1
Honorary Gnome 4
Howly Silence 1
Huntsman 2
I Did My Part 2
Ice Sculptor 3
In Shining Armor 6
Invader of the Deep 2
Just Cracked Me Up! 2
Kapow! 1
Keeper of the Flame 2
Knock on Wood 3
Let the Sunshine In 1
Lion King 1
Lord Protector 8
Loyal Lad 1
Lucid Dreamer 2
Luminous Kitty 3
Magnetized 2
Marid Ally 3
Master Thief 4
Matchmaker 1
Meat Skewer 1
Merry Adventures 2
Mind the Dog! 2
Minor Disturbance 2
Natural Born Cowboy 1
Nightmare Knight 1
Nightmare Walker 6
No More Hiding 1
Number of the Beast 2
One Foot Vs. Many 1
One Less 2
Planter 2
Polisher 4
Potion Addict 4
Prison Break 8
Rathleton Citizen 1
Rathleton Commoner 1
Rathleton Inhabitant 1
Recognised Trader 3
Rocket in Pocket 1
Rollercoaster 1
Rootless Behaviour 1
Safely Stored Away 2
Scorched Flames 1
Scrapper 3
Seasoned Adventurer 1
Secret Agent 1
Sharpshooter 3
Ship's Kobold 4
Si, Ariki! 1
Silent Pet 1
Slimer 1
Snowbunny 2
Something Smells 1
Something's in There 1
Spareribs for Dinner 1
Spin-Off 1
Spore Hunter 1
Starless Night 3
Stepped on a Big Toe 1
Stuntman 3
Substitute Tinker 1
The Gates of Hell 2
The Picky Pig 1
The Serpent's Bride 2
The Undertaker 2
Thick-Skinned 2
Top CGB Agent 4
True Dedication 5
True Lightbearer 5
Twisted Mutation 1
Warlord of Svargrond 5
Wayfarer 3
Zzztill Zzztanding! 1
Lion's Den Explorer 1
Ferumbras Power Nexus Nemesis 5
Thais Savior 5
Ferumbras's Executioner 5
Rathleton Squire 1
Hunting Permit 1
Little Adventure 1
Contender 3
Easter's Knight 5
Buried the Baron 1
His Days are Counted 1
Duked It Out 1
Death in the Depths 2
Raider in the Dark 6
A Study in Scarlett 3

Death list

Date Details [+] Show all
24 Jul 2024, 01:32Killed at level 730 by a choking fear Last Hit
07 Jan 2024, 06:35Killed at level 653 by a behemoth Last Hit
an elder wyrm Most damage
blood beast, elder wyrm, glooth anemone, glooth blob of glooth anemone, wyrm, metal gargoyle.Involved
28 Jun 2023, 01:46Killed at level 570 by scarlett etzel Last Hit
20 May 2023, 10:44Killed at level 523 by an execowtioner Last Hit
glooth battery, moohtant, worm priestess, minotaur amazon, devourer, elder wyrm, war golem, behemoth, drillworm, glooth anemone, wyrm, minotaur invader.Involved
14 May 2023, 20:17Killed at level 514 by scarlett etzel Last Hit
08 May 2023, 03:00Killed at level 501 by a worm priestess Last Hit
a glooth powered minotaur Most damage
execowtioner, glooth powered minotaur, minotaur invader, minotaur amazon, moohtant.Involved
26 Mar 2023, 01:21Killed at level 463 by usurper commander Last Hit
lion warlock of lion commander, hardened usurper archer of usurper commander, hardened usurper warlock of usurper commander, usurper archer, hardened usurper knight of usurper commander.Involved
24 May 2022, 23:11Killed at level 400 by a werehyaena Last Hit
werehyaena shaman.Involved
21 Apr 2022, 08:37Killed at level 371 by a werehyaena Last Hit
werehyaena shaman.Involved
14 Feb 2022, 08:32Killed at level 357 by a werehyaena Last Hit
a werehyaena shaman Most damage
werehyaena shaman.Involved

Character Victims

Date Details [+] Show all
No victims... yet.

Characters list

Characters Status
1. Juliiano