Character profile of Arthurrosa

Name: Arthurrosa
Sex: Male
Level: 157
Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Achievement Points: 26
Achievement Rank: None
Bosstiary Points: 0
Charm Points: 51
Charm Runes: None
Last Login: 22 Sep 2024, 15:17 → 22 Sep 2024, 15:33
Residence: Venore
Created at: 19 Sep 2021, 15:05
Account Status: Free Account
Skull Type: None
Notifications: 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban)
Ban Status: None

Experience History

Date Raw Experience
TodayNo experience gained in this time.
YesterdayNo experience gained in this time.
16/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
15/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
14/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
13/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
12/10/2024No experience gained in this time.
11/10/2024No experience gained in this time.


Name Grade Points [+] Show all
Friend of the Apes 4
Loyal Lad 1
Marid Ally 3
Natural Born Cowboy 1
Rollercoaster 1
Seasoned Adventurer 1
Secret Agent 1
Si, Ariki! 1
Something's in There 1
Top CGB Agent 4
Warlock 6
Lion's Den Explorer 1
Hunting Permit 1

Death list

Date Details [+] Show all
19 Apr 2023, 18:27Killed at level 148 by a glooth golem Last Hit
13 Oct 2021, 21:42Killed at level 147 by a burning gladiator Last Hit
a priestess of the wild sun Most damage
black sphinx acolyte.Involved
11 Oct 2021, 17:12Killed at level 144 by a lamassu Last Hit
10 Oct 2021, 20:01Killed at level 139 by a werehyaena shaman Last Hit
a werehyaena Most damage
07 Oct 2021, 17:28Killed at level 124 by a demon skeleton Last Hit
skeleton, scorpion, mummy, banshee, ghoul, ghost, stalker.Involved
02 Oct 2021, 16:53Killed at level 118 by a gazer spectre Last Hit
22 Sep 2021, 20:01Killed at level 80 by a crystal spider Last Hit
ice golem.Involved
22 Sep 2021, 16:22Killed at level 80 by an ancient scarab Last Hit
ancient scarab, scorpion, larva, scarab.Involved
21 Sep 2021, 20:22Killed at level 75 by a lamassu Last Hit
19 Sep 2021, 18:29Killed at level 50 by a cult believer Last Hit
a vicious squire Most damage
vicious squire, vile grandmaster.Involved

Character Victims

Date Details [+] Show all
No victims... yet.

Characters list

Characters Status
1. Zebras
2. Mestre Do Magos
3. Raluca